Hosting and Service Providers use a special type of Microsoft Volume Licensing: the Microsoft Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA), sometimes combined with the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program. These are specific licensing and cloud agreements with specific terms of use. Besides that, the Service Provider is the legal counterpart of Microsoft for the Agreement (and not the ‘end-customer’).
Monthly reporting of licenses to Microsoft is not always easy and at the same time Microsoft is increasing the reviews and audits of Service Providers. Reporting correctly but in a cost efficient manner which fits the Service Providers business is essentials.
With all of what is written above in mind, Quexcel has developed a Microsoft Licensing and Cloud training for Service Providers (in-house). This training is attractive for (pre)sales consultants, business development managers, systems engineers and financial staff (reporting).
All Quexcel trainers are highly experienced in the field of Microsoft licensing, Microsoft cloud and Software Asset Management and are endorsed by Microsoft. We provide both printed and digital hand-outs and trainees have unlimited e-mail support for licensing questions.
The Quexcel Licensing and Cloud training for Service Providers (in-house) is worldwide available to Microsoft Service Providers and Hosting Providers.
Are you a Microsoft Hosting or Service Provider and do you want the knowledge needed to correctly report to Microsoft? Do you want to lower your financial, legal and organizational risks when you enter a SPLA review or audit? Book your Quexcel Service Provider Licensing training today.
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