
Retirement of the Microsoft Open License program

After some 20 years of good service to small and midsized organizations for buying multiple perpetual software licenses, Microsoft is retiring it’s Open License program. Customers will not be able to make purchases within this program as of January 1, 2022.

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Open Program
The Open Program within Microsoft’s Volume Licensing program is intended for buying multiple perpetual software licenses, with or without Software Assurance. It consists of Open Value, Open Value Subscription and Open License. The last one, for ad-hoc and non-standardized purchases, will retire on December 31, 2021. What are the alternatives?

Perpetual licenses
As of July 2020, customers can buy their perpetual software licenses through partners via the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program. If bought via Open License or via the CSP program, licenses are perpetual and you as a customer can continue using these licenses without any changes.

Software Assurance
Customer who buy software licenses with Software Assurance (SA) through the Open License program will keep their SA benefits until the end of their agreement. The agreement end date can be on or after the retirement date of the Open Program.
For renewal of Software Assurance benefits we recommend a new or existing Open Value Agreement.

Customers who subscribed to Office 365 or other Microsoft cloud services through the Open License program and want to renew can turn to a new or existing Open Value Agreement, an Open Value Subscription Agreement (if minimum requirements are met) or choose the Cloud Solution Provider program.

Customers are able to buy pre-paid Azure tokens – monetary commitment – through the Open License program (amongst other types of agreements). Customer who don’t want to migrate to the pay-as-you-go method (direct or through a partner via the CSP program) and want to keep using pre-paid tokens, will have to sign a new Open Value Agreement.

Might you want help to determine what is the best and most cost-effective way forward for your licensing solution? Contact one of our licensing experts to consult you.

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